About the Artist

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Elizabeth Gibson returned to painting full time in 1999 after raising a family and working as a computer analyst in the banking industry. She is known for her realistic paintings of animals, people and still life. Portraits done by Elizabeth reflect the emotion of her subject and their individual personality. Her process focuses on color, light and close attention to detail. She paints predominately in pastel and watercolor, preferring pastel for animal portraits. In 2002 she received an honorable mention award in the Artists Magazine annual competition in the Animal Category. In 2006 she won 1st place in The Pastel Journal annual competition in the Animal Category as well. She has won various awards in national and local competitions. Elizabeth attended college in Virginia, majoring in art, in the early 70’s. She has studied painting locally and attended several workshops. Gibson resides in Leola, PA with her husband and several pets.




Juried Shows/Competitions

American Watercolor Society’s International Juried Show (2008)
Baltimore Watercolor Society’s Mid-Atlantic Exhibition (2004*, 05*, 07, 08, 12, 13)
Pennsylvania Watercolor Society’s Annual Juried Exhibition (2003, 05, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13)
Philadelphia Water Color Society’s International Juried Show – (2005, 08*, 09*)
Artist’s Magazine’s Annual Art Competition (Animal Category) 2004*, 2008* (Still Life)
Pastel Journal’s Annual Pastel 100 Competition (Animal Category) 2006*



2013 – 2nd Place – Lancaster County Art Association National Juried Exhibit
2009 – Sandra Sawin Memorial Award for Representational Landscape in WC – Phila Water Color Society
2008 – Finalist – The Artist’s Magazine’s Annual Art Competition – (Still Life Category)
2008 – Thornton Oakley Memorial Award – Phila. Water Color Society
2006 – 1st Place — The Pastel Journal’s Annual Pastel 100 Competition (Animal Category)
2005 – Memorial Award — Baltimore Watercolor Society 2005 Mid-Atlantic Exhibition
2004 – Potomac Valley Watercolorists Award — Baltimore Watercolor Society 2004 Mid-Atlantic Exhibition
2002 – Honorable Mention The Artist’s Magazine’s Annual Art Competition (Animal Category)


*Denotes award

Elizabeth W Gibson Fine Art